【 ORBISとコラボレーション 】
今回はそのORBISとクリエティブエージェンシーMoldBreakingとのコラボレーションで、中国のPOPUP STOREを制作しました。中国独自のコンセプト「高光奥秘」をもとにアートの要素が加わった空間になりました。
■2020.9.4-9.6 (3日間) OPEN10:00-CLOSE22:00
■上海来福士广场 (Raffles City) 268 Xizang Middle Rd, Huangpu Shanghai CHINA
【Collaboration with ORBIS】
ORBIS is a major cosmetics manufacturer brand that pursues comfort.
This time, We collaborated with ORBIS and creative agency MoldBreaking to create a Chinese POPUPSTORE. The space is based on the Chinese original concept of "Highlight and Mystery" with the addition of art elements
The concept includes the meaning that there is strong light hidden in the depths. From semi-translucent to transparent, you can't see it clearly at first, but as you go along you get closer to the light. It is like an experience, searching for the light in the clouds. I hope you will enjoy the encounter with your new senses. If you live in Shanghai, or if you can stop by, please take a look at this.